Café Anne Blume (Kollwitzstr. 38 – Penzlauer Berg)
Even though this place is listed in every tourist guide one can still find a lot of locals there. On a Saturday or Sunday one should get up quite early to get one of the much wanted tables (in the summer time it is fabulous to sit outside). A definite must: breakfast Etagere (a variety of breakfast items on 3 "stories") as well as Danish apple pie.
Café Datscha (Gabriel-Max-Str.1 – Friedrichshain)
I recommend the "Breakfast of the Laborers" (Arbeiterfrühstueck) because it offers a sample of various genuine breakfast items that are not available everywhere (plus, everything is organic):
Arbeiterinnen und Bauern (für zwei Personen)
hausgebeizter Lachs, Kartoffelpuffer, Gemüseaufstrich,
Quarkpfannkuchen, Bliniröllchen mit Spinat- und Frischkäsefüllung, Lachskaviar, Bio-Rührei mit Kräutern, Obst, Butter, hausgemachte Konfitüre, Honig und Brotkorb
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