There are many ways to spend your Sunday in Berlin: Sleeping in late after a long night out dancing, trying one of the numerous brunches offered, strolling through town, taking a bike ride or spending your afternoon at the renowned Mauerpark.
This park carries its name because back in the days the death strip of the Berlin wall used to go right through this area. Today, 20 years later it is a huge green area and a meeting point for young people from all backdrops of life. Apart from a flee market, various musicians and artists entertaining the crowds and many private vendors who sell everything from second hand clothing, to lavender, to home-made pastries and cool beer in order to boost their "pocket money", for me the highlight of Sunday is Bearpit Karaoke, an event that lacks comparison in the world!
Bearpit Karaoke is an improvised karaoke show in the amphitheater of the park. Every Sunday large crowds of people find their way to the stone stage with its ascending rows of stone seats where a guy from Dublin (who by the way sings really well himself) puts on the greatest show. Equipped with a karaoke machine, a